LGPN Conference

Please note that registration is on a complimentary basis and you (‘The Attendee’) are obligated to attend the full event.

Compliance with delegate registration

As part of The Attendee’s event participation, The Attendee is required to provide further information via the registration form on the nature of their organisation’s activities. This is to ensure that The Attendee’s time at the event is used as efficiently as possible.


Partnership Network Events (‘The Organiser’) may share the data that The Attendee has submitted via the registration form with selected solution providers (‘Sponsors’) and the delegate attendees at the event for profiling and contact purposes. This data will not be sold or used by any third party and will only be held for use by The Organiser, the delegate attendees, and the event Sponsors.

Cancellation and substitution

Participation in the event is complimentary for the registered attendee only. In the occurrence that The Attendee becomes incapable of attending the event, they are required to offer a replacement attendee of suitable seniority. The replacement attendee’s acceptance to the event is subject to The Organiser’s agreement and completion of the event’s registration form.

Alteration, postponement or cancellation of event

The Organiser is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of any alteration, postponement or cancellation of the event that is a result of an act of God, unanticipated incidence or fortuitous event or any other occurrence which causes the delivery of the event to be impractical or unfeasible. This includes, but is not limited to, fire, extreme weather or labour strike. In the event that the event is postponed on any basis including, but not limited to, Force Majeure, The Organiser will inform The Attendee immediately and provide them with the option to transfer their registration to the alternative date. The Organiser will endeavour to adhere to the listed agenda, but The Organiser reserves the right to alter the schedule (locality, dates, timings, events, etc) if it is deemed to be in the best interests of the event.


The Attendee agrees that The Organiser will not be held responsible in the event of any injury or death occurring at the event. The Organiser is not responsible for the behaviour of any attendee present at the event. The Organiser shall not be held responsible for any lost possessions or damage to possessions which may occur during the event. The Organiser shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages and/or expenses in relation to The Attendee’s transportation to or from the event or accommodation on the way to or from the event.